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All user information is kept 100% confidential and will NOT be shared with anyone.

Security Informations

All user information is kept 100% confidential and will NOT be shared with anyone.

Terms & Conditions

All user information is kept 100% confidential and will NOT be shared with anyone.


Account Infos





Choose a friendly username that we should treat you by (No Spaces).

Please enter valid e-mail, a verification link will be sent to activate your account.

Password must meet the following requirements:

  • At least one letter
  • At least one capital letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character
  • At least 6 characters

Your password must contain Min 6 characters, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, one special character.




  1. This is the most recent Terms of Service agreement as of January 01, 2022.
  2. HQLIKES, in its sole discretion, may modify or review these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice. All recent modifications or revisions done by HQLIKES replaces all former agreements and takes effect upon the date of posting.
  3. Continued use of the service following recent amendments signifies your assent to the revised Terms of Service. You further agree to apprise yourself of recent changes on the Terms of Service through periodic reviews of HQLIKES website.


  1. By registering you affirm that you are 18 years of age or an emancipated minor and are completely able and competent to enter into the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms of Service and comply and abide by them.
  2. You may not use fake information while registering your account, including, fake name, fake e-mail, fake phone number or address. Any attempt to spoofing data will result in your account disabled.


  1. HQLIKES sole purpose is for social media promotion.
  2. Services purchased through the social market have the guarantee of 1 day(s) , excluding the ones marked with NR(No Refill) or the ones which mention the refill gurarantee in the service description.
  3. Refunds or refills are only issue to Hqlikes Balance, never through transactions.
  4. You shall not knowingly exploit the system including but not limited to, gaining an advantage, exploit speed or any other bug in a manner other than purchasing them from the website or use the regular features.
  5. You may not turn your account to private, restrict to any country, Change the link or remove the post / tweet  / account / video etc, or apply any settings that may affect the regular delivery of the service. If this is done, the service will be considered delivered and no refunds will be made.
  6. Services listed as NON DROP / Lifetime warranty refer to the lifetime of the service or 180 days (Whichever comes later). Social media sites are continuously updating their security. Hence lifetime warranty is limited to the life of the service.
  7. We are not responsible for your actions and their consequences, including accounts or pages, banned or photos removed, we will not issue any refund or compensation in these cases.
  8. We are not responsible if your accounts is banned for any reason, please make sure you are responsible for any actions you initiate, HQLIKES is not affiliated with any of the social networks provided
  9. HQLIKES is brought to you to make your life easier with automated processes. We discourage spam and violation of the law. We will block without warning any adult content or content that goes against the law
  10. It is your sole responsibility to comply with any social network you use and any legislation that you are subject to. You use HQLIKES at your own risk.
  11. All the services provided on the marketplace do not have any guarantee unless mentioned on the service with the text of “Refill” or “Guarantee”. If there is no mention of a refill or guarantee it should be assumed that there is no warranty available for the service.



o   4.1 GENERAL

    1. You agree that upon purchasing you clearly understand and agree what you are purchasing and will not file a fraudulent dispute or charge-back.
    2. Upon a fraudulent attempt to file a dispute, we grant the right, if necessary, to reset your account, terminate your account and/or permanently ban your IP address and all e-mail addresses associated with purchases made on the website.
    3. The Credits added in HQLIKES are not reversible if the system and web site it self are fully working.
    4. HQLIKES will only be used to promote your Instagram / Twitter / Facebook or Social account and help boost your "Appearance" only.
    5. You will only use the HQLIKES website in a manner which follows all agreements made with Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Other social media site on their individual Terms of Service page.
    6. HQLIKES rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The payment/refund policy stays in effect in the case of rate changes.
    7. The License is credited right after the purchase, its own responsibility to use it even if you dont login into your account.

o   4.2 ORDERS

    1. HQLIKES WILL NOT cancel an order once it's placed. By placing an order you accept that we cannot cancel it even if the service name is not 100% accurate, that you entered a wrong URL or if there is any other issue.
    2. HQLIKES DOES NOT guarantee a delivery time for any services. We offer our best estimation of when the order will be delivered. This is only an estimation and HQLIKES will not refund orders that are processing if you feel they are taking too long.
    3. We DO NOT guarantee your new followers / members / subscribers will interact with you unless otherwise stated, we simply guarantee you to get the services you pay for.
    4. You will not upload anything to the HQLIKES site including nudity or any material that is not accepted or suitable for the Instagram / Twitter / Facebook or Social Media community.
    5. In case the account is set to private, the service would be marked as completed without delivery of the service. Make sure that the account is set to public when making orders on
    6. If you change your Username while the service is in progress, the delivery will fail and we will not be able to refund in such a case.
    7. If you remove the post / change the link while the service is in progress, the delivery will fail and we will not be able to refund in such a case.
    8. If you change your Username after the Follower services are delivered, The Auto refill would fail to deliver and we will not be able to refund in such a case.
    9. Making orders from different sources on the same link at the same time can cause issues in delivery, In that case, we will not be able to help, Another provider might say theirs worked, and no one would be able to justify.



  • REFUNDS can be issued if an order is stuck on awating status
  • NO REFUNDS are issued unless the services are not working or there is no alternative available.
  • NO REFUNDS will be processed in the following cases.
    • If Followers or services bought from the NON REFILL servers are not liable to be refunded if they fall even after one hour of ordering. 
    • Misplaced or Private account orders will not qualify for a refund. Be sure to confirm each and every order before placing it.
    • Using more servers to place the order on the same link before the 1st order's completed. This can result in services not being delivered in the full quantity, and would not be liable for a refund.
    • If the post is removed by the user or the social media network while the order is in progress. You are liable to make sure that the post stays active.
    • Our most of the service start instantly, expect few services that take 24-48 hrs to deliver. If you do not receive your service in time, please contact support for fix issue. We are online 18 hours per days to provide you support


  • Without the prior written consent of an HQLIKES representative, you may not copy or reproduce any texts, images or programming used on the HQLIKES website.
  • All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by the owners, nor vice versa.




  • You agree that your use of HQLIKES is at your own risk. HQLIKES may not be held liable or accountable for any or whatever damages you or your business may incur.
  • HQLIKES does not guarantee website uptime or availability, as it uses the internet to deliver its services.
  • Since HQLIKES offers non-refundable goods, you agree that after the purchase is made you cannot cancel/stop or remove any actions that this initiated. You understand that by purchasing any goods on HQLIKES and, this decision is final, and you won’t be able to reserve it.
  • is not affiliated with Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter. All the Logos used are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
  • HQLIKES tries hard to deliver exactly what is expected of us by our resellers. In this case, we reserve the right to change a service type if we deem it necessary to complete an order.


  • This Terms of Service are subject to change at any time. Notices of change will be considered given and effective on the date posted on our website. The changes made will become effective on the date they are posted on our website. No further notice by HQLIKES is required upon your continued use of our website.